I arrived earth-side just in time for a September sunset, a mostly Irish and a bit British bundle of love, with an urgency toward independence.

I am a daughter of the revolution, after all, and sure, if I could have spoken the words, I would have kindly let my parents know, at birth, ‘Thank you. I have got it from here.’

Fortunately, I could not, though my parents have always encouraged me to forge my own path, formulate my own views and do for myself.

Perhaps consequentially, I have an entrepreneurial mindset and am protective of my personal freedoms. I enjoy reading and research, though I really believe the most enduring impressions are gleaned experientially. I have an ‘eat the chicken, spit out the bones’ philosophy and appreciate coming to my own conclusions. I am most fascinated by the natural world, our symbiosis, and the edges where birth, death and rebirth occur.

I am part of a mixed family of unusual relationship dynamics. My world is colorful and eccentric and I like it that way. I have explored beyond my cultural borders and traveled in many directions. I have witnessed the universal yearnings, delights and soft spots of human life in multiple languages. I am a healer in a matriarchal lineage of healers raised by The Golden Rule.

I know in my bones that we have more in common than we often take the time to acknowledge. I am an optimistic realist. I have loved many and I have lost much. I have dug my own grave and I have risen from it. My ‘house’ is built on common ground. I am a people person and I believe that we thrive in a community where there is kinship, where we feel seen, safe and appreciated.

I am an empathetic and sensitive being. I pay attention and listen deeply. Whether by hand or heart, my work is always therapeutic. I am a safe space, a place where truth can be revealed, calm in the storm, a quiet, stable place. I am present to the present and aware of the complexities of human existence. I am a skilled communicator, an engaged participant, an old soul with a youthful spirit. I believe the simple things are actually quite sacred and we must always make time to nourish ourselves.

I find the world to be quite enchanting and believe that some mystery is a good thing.

My ‘lane’ is being paved as I go; I am in a constant state of evolution.

My heart is big and my mind is wide open.

I maintain a ‘both, and’ perspective in a world still loudly demanding ‘either, or’.

I will choose the scenic route before the shortest, home-made before the fast food chain.

I believe our human bodies are magnificent instruments that tell us if we are aligned or not with the energy flowing through and around us. I trust the intuitive process.

I have a holistic proclivity. I long for tradition and wish to be a reason that the wisdom of ancient, sacred practices persist. I am an alchemist of the human experience.

I am here to nurture and remind all my people of our existing, natural prowess as I continue to discover and develop my own. I am here to gently turn up the volume on our voices, to usher us out of any lingering fearfulness and into graceful exhilaration. I am here, playful, grateful and joyous...not exclusively, but most of the time.

I am that I am. Here I am.